World of garnets
The term „pyrope“ is derived from the greek “pyropos”, meaning
“fiery-eyed” , and refers to the finest colour of this garnet species.
Pyrope also is the name of a mineral, which is formed deep within the earth under very high pressure.
Only a very small fraction of these pyropes are of gem quality, and “fiery-eyed” pyropes in the true sense are very rare gemstones.
We are continously searching for finest pyrope colour, which we can cut into nice gemstones, from small facetted mellee sizes to big “carbuncle” cabochons.
The tem „almandine“ is derived from the name of the antique city Alabanda in Asia Minor, which Pliny mentioned as an important hub for manufacturing and trading of garnet (carbuncle) in Hellenistic and Roman times.
All our almandines are 100% natural and untreated!

The term rhodolite is derived from greek “rhodon” , meaning rose, and “lithos”, meaning stone.
It is an established trade name for rose colour garnets of different shades, which can vary from lavender pink to raspberry rose and from purple-violet (grape) to purplish red.
Rhodolites are the perfect choice for fine gems of 100% natural and untreated purple colour.
Naktamunda Africana - ROYAL PURPLE
Purple Garnets from a relatively new finding in Mozambique resemble the fine purple colour of the legendary Naktamunda Mine in Orissa. Hermann Lind II is marketing this fine colour under the trade name “Naktamunda Africana” or “Royal Purple”.
Mali Grossular
Mali Grossulars were discovered “just recently”, at the end of the 20th century.
Very much to the surprise of the gemmological community, they had a much higher refractive index and brilliance as all gem quality grossular garnets known before, and they show a variation of colours from fine pastel to lime green as well as champagne to yellowish-brown colours.
These distinct features have made them popular with contemporary jewelry designers all over the world.
Mandarin Garnet

Mandarin Garnet
Mandarin garnet is the trade name for fine, bright orange spessartine garnet.
Rough material is coming from Nigeria and Tanzania, mostly, but nice orange spessartine garnets also come from other localities occasionally.
Demantoid is the green gemstone variety of the garnet mineral species andradite. What´s so special about demantoid is the unique combination of the gemstone properties brilliance, colour and hardness, which is responsible for the extreme rarity and beauty of demantoid and what makes it so desirable.
“horsetail inclusions” are first hand witnesses of the natural formation process of demantoids and are highly appreciated as proof of authenticity for these unique gemstones.
The colour of demantoids is caused by the iron, which is a constituting element for andradite, but more importantly by additional trace concentrations of chromium. High chromium contents may cause a nice, pure deep green colour.
Deeper green colour may mask the dispersion to some extent, and balnce between colour and “fire” therefore is a matter of customer preference.